Saturday, January 28, 2006

I hate my life

Okay so maybe I shouldn't be writing today given my state of mind and the title I have chosen but oh well. Life isn't all roses and neither should be my blog.

The kids are driving me crazy. Or crazier than usual I guess. And I've been acting very childish and selfish in return. Felisa wanted a bath today. I told her no then locked her out of the bathroom so I could take a shower ALL BY MYSELF. I could still hear the screaming outside so don't know if it was worth it. This is just one example of many episodes lately. She's 2 - she can't help herself. Not sure what my excuse is.

And now at this very moment she's crying because Daddy is leaving. No more safety net from the crazy mommy. Which brings me to my next complaint. Ron is gone most of the day for a KofC function. No complaints about that specifically. Just annoyed because I am already annoyed about EVERYTHING else. Oh yeah - he also took $10 from my wallet on the way out the door. Which leaves me $10 until the next payday (whenever that is) or until I can get to the bank to make a deposit. (I got paid for an album yesterday - that was an awesome feeling - maybe I should get off my butt and do more albums. But then I have no time or organizational skills so let's be real - it ain't gonna happen.)

This budget thing sucks. I'm sure it will get easier once I get a few months into it and see where all the money is going but in the meantime it is just totally stressing me out.

Now there are so many possible choices for what to complain about next, I don't know which to start off with. So I guess I'll spare you all and go play trouble with Ryan. Don't know how long the game will last because I'm sure Felisa will end up in the middle of it somehow eventually. And Bella will want a snack. Someone ALWAYS wants SOMETHING. Maybe that would have been a better title...

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