Sunday, October 19, 2008

Show Down at the Scout Corral

Ah, my poor neglected blog... nothing has been blog-worthy of late it seems.

This may not be either but my email connection is having issues at the moment and I haven't worked up the energy to hit the shower yet so I'll go ahead anyway.

Cub Scouts vs. Brownies
Ah the differences are many, as has been brought to my attention several times the last couple of weeks. Let's review...

*Cub Scouts- the program is spelled out with little variation. To earn X rank badge, you must earn X requirements. And make sure you are done by February or else.

*Brownies - a book with MANY pages. Within the many pages, many try-it badges covering a wide range of subjects. Choose whichever ones you want. Do as many or as few as you wish.

*Cub Scouts - one boy is set as the denner for a meeting and is in charge

*Brownies - have a kaper chart set up with each girl taking a turn completing each of the various jobs that need to be done in any given meeting - teamwork!

*Cub Scout camping - very loosey goosey affair. Cubs can't even go without their families. And the dens can't even go without the rest of the pack. So that means each camping event involves approximately 200 people and 50 tents and 50 cars. Oh and one port-a-potty. And yes, it ends up as gross as it sounds by the end of the weekend.

*Brownies - each troop may go camping whenever it wishes. And girls are not required to be accompanied by an adult. It is up to the leaders to decide what works best for the group. And they have things like safety circles around the fire and hand-washing stations. And the girls actually participate in the cooking as opposed to emerging from the woods in time to stuff their faces then run off again as soon as they are done.


So we survived the Cub Scout Family Campout last night... were warm enough while we were sleeping but froze our tails off once we emerged this morning. We all got to go fishing yesterday afternoon. We didn't catch anything (not surprising!) but a great first time fishing for all of us (the kids and I). I even baited the hook with a worm! Did you know worms bleed when cut?! I didn't. Of course I never really thought about it before either. Ryan got to shoot at archery this morning and got one arrow into the yellow (near the center). He didn't get breakfast (was doing archery and then ran off into the woods with his friends and then it was too late) but we stopped at McD's on the way home.

And now the car is unloaded and we are all thawing out nicely. Next time we'll pack gloves and hats!


Mama Llama said...

Um, yeah.

I still think you're nuts for going through with it during the first freeze warning of the year.


(heads off to corner, wrapped in blanket, drinking hot tea)

Nice to see you back. Missed you!

zirelda said...

That sounds like fun although I would vote for July or August camping.

I was a girl scout. Skipped the brownies. :)