Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Believe

I believe quiet.
And in the therapeutic effect a quiet, empty house has on me. I need bits of solitude to continue to function well. the power of nature. organization.
I want to be organized. I just struggle with getting there and on those rare occasions that I actually get there, I have trouble staying there. Just ask all the unused organizational tools found in the nooks and crannies of my house. being prepared.
At least in theory! This is related to my organizational struggles. To be prepared requires advance planning and advance preparation. My procrastination doesn't help any. I know what to do. I just hardly ever actually do it. What is the solution? Is there a solution? balance.

Now back to my office... I'm supposed to be doing my taxes today. Instead I am chipping away at the mess that is my procrastinated, unmotivated, unorganized house.

1 comment:

Scatteredmom said...

Lolol-at work everyone thinks I'm ultra organized, but the truth is, I'm not.

Thanks for your comment re: my "blog break". I'm feeling like I'm in a rut, and I have so much to do around my house too. Plus I think it would be good for me to get away from the computer a bit and exercise more, get more sleep, and just try to be healthier. Maybe then I actually won't get sick this spring, like every other year.

That's what I'm telling myself, anyway! :)

You will still see me around. This computer habit is harder to break then I thought.