Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sick of being sick

So, what have we done since returning from vacation? Sit on my bed "watching" Dora with Felisa while I read the first 3 books of the Wagons West series by Dana Fuller Ross. I read the first 8 in high school and after 15 years I have finally officially decided that I really do want to own and read the entire collection. I have up through #9 plus a few others now after a couple trips to the used book store. If Felisa stays sick for much longer I'll be forced to venture out and buy more of them.

And now, Bailey, the Amazing Tissue-Eating Dog, has just struck again. Apparently disappointed that I did not share my cheeseburger with her and tired of being otherwise ignored, she decided to jump up on my bed and eat a tissue. Unfortunately for her she had to jump down from my bed, the thump of her landing giving away her secret. Grrrrr.... Dog.

And now I must get myself together for the oh-so-fun afternoon adventure of Take the Sick 2-Year Old to the Doctor. Yea, fun.

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