Sunday, February 19, 2006

Frozen diapers and coffee dreams

Morning already?!?!

Well when we finally made it home at 11 last night, it was so cold outside that I just grabbed the kids and left all the stuff in the car. Including the video I had promised Ryan he could watch this morning before church. Keep in mind that a week ago we had a foot of snow outside, but after a week of gorgeous 60 degree weather there are barely a few specks of snow left anywhere. The temperature this morning however is a frigid 11 degrees. Brrrrrr! Quite a shock to the system. And since it was so cold last night and I didn't bring anything in from the car, I had the pleasure of fetching the movie inside this morning. Along with 5 frozen pee pee diapers!

So you'd think I would be tired after a 2 hour drive and ready for bed. I was ready for bed - PJs on and under the covers right away. But that coffee I bought before we left M made me less than sleepy. Lucky for me it is Showtime Free Preview Weekend so I watched Guess Who with Bernie Mac and Ashton Kutcher until finally going to sleep at 2 a.m. And my sleep was of course peppered with the totally bizarre and never restful dreams that follow any too-late in the day caffeine I drink. Last night involved chasing bad guys after having been turned into a mouse. The mouse part is compliments of the Witches book we were listening to in which the narrator is turned into a mouse when he is discovered hiding at the Witches Annual Meeting.

And so now Ryan wants breakfast, as I'm sure Felisa does too, so I guess I'd better get cracking.

1 comment:

mapiprincesa! said...

psychadelic...mmm, can i get some of what you're having?!