Thursday, January 26, 2006

ANOTHER Chicken Stock Failure

Once again I have failed to complete the chicken stock exercise. I'm not sure why the forces of the universe continually conspire against me when it comes to making chicken stock. I made chicken for G of P House this week. So I decided to use the extra pieces and broth to make a nice batch of chicken stock. Knowing my bad track record, I decided to complete the process over 2 nights instead of trying to rush through it in only one. I boiled the bones and added carrots then put it in the frig overnight so I can skim the fat the next day. I WROTE IT DOWN in my planner so I wouldn't forget to finish it. So while cooking dinner the next night (see - I remembered to get it out and finish it!), I skimmed the fat and let the pot simmer to boil down a bit. I turned it off when it was done (One night I let it boil until the pot was dry and the house was almost on fire. Not sure why Ron, who was asleep on the couch just across the room, didn't smell it first before I finally did, down in the basement, but oh well. So after much airing out of the house and a dead pan, that attempt was officially failed.) this time - another good step in the right direction. Then I left it to cool just a bit while I took Ryan up the street to peddle his cookie dough. On the way back, the girls wanted to stop at Grandma D's house. So by the time I got back over an hour had passed and the chicken broth had completely passed from my mind. I played with Ryan and read a chapter of BFG to him then the girls came back. We played a little more with the new cash drawer and play money (it was a Christmas gift that hadn't been opened yet - the kids are loving it now) then I sent them all to bed. Pajamas, drinks, snacks and now it's 9:00. Time for Biggest Loser. So, I decide to leave the kitchen mess for the morning and head to bed. Fast forward to this morning... I see that Ron made coffee (he slept on the couch all night, got up around 6 or so, made coffee, threw some dishes in the sink, took out the trash, and went back to bed). Oh and what is that on the stove??? My chicken stock now completely ruined because I forgot to put it away last night. ARGH! Why oh why do I struggle so to make chicken stock? Why? Why? Why? It seems I always get most of the way done then forget the last step and it's all for naught. I know, it seems silly to be so upset about something so small as a failure to complete the chicken stock exercise but I think it is a perfect example of all that is wrong with me. A perfect poster child for my continued failed attempts at successful Home Management. I try and I try and I feel like no forward progress is ever really made. The house always looks like a tornado (or rather 3 tornadoes!) has passed through. I can never find anything. I forget things. It's hopeless, I think.

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